All companies and organizations want to attract and retain top business talent. This is a given if you want to run a successful business. It would be counter productive to build the best workforce one could hope for, only to lose way too many valuable employees to rapid turnover. Employee recruitment, installation and training can…
6 Reasons Why Associating with Successful People Can Make You Successful
You have heard it before. If you want to be successful, surround yourself with successful people. This often repeated statement happens to be true, which is why it is often repeated. There is sound observational science to back up this claim. Whatever it may be successful people possess, it rubs off on those around them. If…
Happiness in the Pursuit of Dissatisfaction
I want you to be dissatisfied, dissatisfied with your work, your play, your free time, your relationships, your goals, your hopes and your dreams. In short, I want you to be dissatisfied with your entire life as you are currently living it. Before you ask, “What’s wrong with you”, hear me out. I think the…
7 Indicators of Complacency that Will Take Your Life
I can think of no other force so strong as to keep individuals range bound in variations of sameness throughout their entire lives as effectively as complacency. I guess self-destruction would be worse but complacency itself is a form of self-destruction. Complacency is defined as – a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while…
8 Truths about Your Path, Your Journey
We are all familiar with the thematic metaphor of life as a journey. All of us are walking an unfamiliar path toward an uncertain future. That does not mean we have no influence on our futures. At one time, I used to believe in destiny, one in which I had little choice or input. That…