Have you ever felt terribly discouraged, whipped, or defeated and someone gave you some words of encouragement that made all the difference? Small words, simple words, delivered by just the right person at just the right moment can make a tremendous impact in the life of another. Words also have the ability to do great…
Is it courage or something else?
I have seen this happen many times and so have you. You someone get knocked down time after time but they keep getting back up, usually swinging. Then, one day they finally make it big. They win. Perhaps this has happened to you. Before that happens people on the sidelines would ask, “so why does…
026 The Power of Transformation – Variations In Sameness
Is your life what you want it to be? Or, do you feel that your are merely existing rather than living? Have you settled for the routine of the mundane or due you take risks and thrive on the excitement of change? Are you forward looking and leaning in toward your preferred future or are…
The Energy in the Room.
You can feel the energy in a room full of energized people at a conference. You can feel it in the lecture hall and in the hallway outside the door. It will propagate from one person to the next, from one room to the next. It is conductive. You can feel the energy on the…
What is holding you back, technical difficulty or mental barrier?
Many of us have given up on ideas or dreams in the past because the work involved seemed too difficult. I know I have. But, was the subject too difficult? Was it really technical difficulty we faced or was it just a mental barrier we place in our own path? Many people may shy away…