I’m Clark Gaither, MD.
Friends, family and patients are frequently asking me what I’m working on now. My standard reply has been, “Always something!”
From now on, I’m going to refer them to this page, my NOW page.
I will keep this page updated regularly with my latest activities, projects and adventures for anyone who might be interested.
As always, if there is something I can help you with, please go to my CONTACT page under the menu tab and let me hear from you.
This latest update was published May 2, 2016.

Since publishing my first book, POWERFUL WORDS, I have finished another entitled, The Graduate’s Handbook – Your No Nonsense Guide for What Comes Next, a collection of the hardest easy lessons I’ve ever learned. It is a gift book full of knowledge, wisdom, and experience for graduating high school, college and graduate students of any age. The publisher is Morgan James Publishing. The national bookstore launch date is October 4th later this year. However, advanced copies will be available for purchase on this website under the STORE menu tab soon.
I have just finished a five part video series on Job Related Burnout which is currently available on my YouTube Channel under Clark Gaither. The first video in this series has been uploaded under the Dr. Burnout menu tab. I will be adding additional videos from the series soon. Transcripts from the videos will also be posted.

My Job Related Burnout workbook entitled, REIGNITE – From Burned Out to On Fire, was published in April. This workbook contains the REIGNITE Framework for alleviating, mitigating burnout. It is the manual which will be used during the live workshops I’ll be hosting or conducting on professional job related burnout. It is currently available at Amazon and can also be purchased on this website under the STORE menu tab soon.
REIGNITE the book book will be out later this year.
I’ve written guest posts which have now appeared online in MD Magazine and The Good Men Project. I have since become a regular contributor to MD Magazine. Also, one of the editors at The Good Men Project will be syndicating posts from this website soon.
Ongoing projects include a seat at a round table initiative on Physician Wellness spearheaded by the North Carolina Medical Board and a Physician Wellness Summit. I will continue to meet with key stakeholders from across the state on a regular basis.
I’ve joined an illustrious group of speakers, The Morgan James Speakers Group. I will be seeking new speaking opportunities through their speakers group in the near future. Stay tuned for updates.
Thanks for stopping by and as always you can connect with me at any time just by clicking HERE.