Resilience Training
for the detection, mitigation, and prevention of job related burnout.
The direct and indirect costs associated with replacing one physician can range from $100,000.00 to $1,000,000.00+.
Within your organization –
- Are patient dissatisfaction scores too high or rising?
- Is physician dissatisfaction too high?
- Are you experiencing a high rate of physician turnover?
- Are you experiencing a high rate of ancillary provider turnover?
- Is it becoming more difficult to recruit and retain quality physicians, PA’s, FNP’s, nurses?
- Are you dealing with providers who have acted out with drugs, alcohol or other addictive behaviors?
- Do you have physicians who have been accused of patient boundary violations?
- Are you dealing with disruptive physicians?
- Are any of your physicians creating hostile work environments for the other members of your healthcare team?
- Do you have effective programs in place to detect, treat or prevent physician/employee burnout?
- Are you familiar with the hallmarks of job related burnout and the best methods for treating and preventing provider burnout?
Would You Like to Be Able to…
- Improve the quality of care?
- Improve clinical outcomes?
- Decrease absenteeism?
- Decrease provider turnover while improving retention?
- Decrease patient complaints while improving satisfaction?
- Reduce hostile work environment risk?
- Have fewer “troubled” physicians?
- Reduce the potential for lawsuits?
Above All, All of the Above Will Serve to…
- Increase revenues.
- Dramatically lower operational costs.
- Create a healthy, vibrant and wholesome work environment.
What You Will Get with Training…
- An onsite assessment of the work environment.
- An in depth evaluation of past and present personnel difficulties and turnover.
- Application of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) to key employees, including management.
- Interpretation and review of MBI results.
- Informative onsite talks on Burnout – definitions, warning signs, causes, mitigation and prevention strategies – and Resilience Training.
- Application of the Maslach Areas of Work-life Survey (MAWS) to all employees or targeted groups.
- Interpretation of the MAWS results.
- Optional application of the DISC Personality Profile to key employees or targeted groups.
- Interpretation of individual DISC Personality Profile results.
- Workbooks for all employees.
- Targeted programs designed to detect, mitigate and prevent job related burnout for your organization or business.
- Content rich resource lists.
- Helpful updates and e-Newsletters.
- Follow-up reassessment at 6 months or one year to gauge effectiveness of Resilience Training and Burnout Mitigation and Prevention Strategies. This would include a reapplication of the MBI which will provide objective results.
In my Resilience Training, conducting an overall assessment of your organization is the first step in evaluating the scope of the difficulties you are experiencing. Once we identify what is working and not working, my team and I can help you implement needed changes to alleviate the pain points for your organization and team. From there, we provide your organization with measurable outcomes so you can quantify future progress.
How can you learn more about my Resilience Training?

I would love to learn about how I can serve you and your organization. To get started or to learn more, just click HERE and it will take you to a page that has my contact information. From there we will set up a time to see if my training would be a good fit for your organization or I can answer any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you soon.